Ph.D. Students
- Jongwook Han M.S. in Electrical Engineering (KAIST) / B.S. in Integrated Technology (Yonsei Univ.)
- Haesung Pyun B.S. in Electronic Engineering (Hanyang Univ.)
- Jeonghoon Shim M.S. in Data Science (SNU) / B.S. in Urban Planning and Engineering (Hanyang Univ.)
- Jungwoo Yang M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering (SNU, Yonsei Univ.)
Master's Students
- Hyoungjo Bhang B.S. in Computer Science (KAIST)
- Dongmin Choi B.S. in Mathematics Education (SNU)
- Gyubin Choi B.S. in Industrial Management Engineering (Korea Univ.)
- Chaewon Heo B.A. in Psychology (Sogang Univ.)
- Injin Kong B.S. in Mathematical Sciences (SNU)
- Seungwon Kuk B.A. in Elementary Computer Education (SNUE)
- Jonggeun Lee B.S. in Industrial Management Engineering (Korea Univ.)
- Naeun Lee B.S. in Applied Artificial Intelligence (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
- Jongwon Lim B.A. in Linguistics (SNU)
- Sungjib Lim B.A. in Psychology (SNU)
- Minjae Oh B.S. in Industrial Management Engineering (Korea Univ.)
- Haewon Park B.S. in Artificial Intelligence Engineering (Sookmyung Women's Univ.)
- Gyuhyeon Seo B.A. in Data Science (UC Berkeley)
- Jeongmoon Won M.A. and B.A. in Education (SNU)
- Jongwook Yoon B.S. in Industrial Engineering (SNU)
- Doyoun Kim (Master's 2025) PwC
- Juhee Kim (Master's 2025) LG CNS
- Yooseop Lee (Master's 2025) Elice